Amazon Removes Quranic Verse Bath Mats

CAIR-WA thanked Amazon's legal counsel and its PR team for being so responsive and further reported that they are working with the company to manually remove other offensive items from the website.

Our December Newsletter is Here!

Check out our December newsletter featuring: internship opportunities with our media, advocacy, and policy departments, and ways to give back and support the work that CAIR-WA does.

Tracking Anti-Muslim Bullying in Washington

A recent CAIR survey showed that 53% of Muslim students in California have experienced religious bullying and many fear that bullying is on the rise in an increasingly Islamophobic climate.

Harassed, attacked or threatened? Here are 3 simple steps to take

Click here to read the 3 simple steps to take if you or someone you know is physically or verbally attacked, harassed, or threatened.

Bullied at school? Here are 3 simple steps to take

Click here to read the 3 simple steps to take if you or someone you know is bullied in school.

Contacted by FBI? Here are 3 simple steps to take

Click here to read the 3 simple steps to take if you or someone you know is contacted by an FBI agent.

Bystander Intervention Training

Find out how CAIR-WA can help you host a Bystander Intervention Training at your company or organization by emailing us at! Check out The Seattle Times for more on our trainings!

Visit our ‘Allies’ page

Get facts and information as well as concrete ways in which you can be a public and vocal ally and promote understanding of American Muslims’ lives.

Visit a Mosque Near You

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Research: American Muslims are Model U.S. Citizens

A new survey by the ISPU found that American Muslims are among the most religious and patriotic citizens. 85% of American Muslims "have a strong American identity," just like 84% of Protestants. They are also just as likely as other Americans to identify strongly with their faith — 89% of Muslims, 84% of Jews, and 95% of Catholics and Protestants shared the sentiment. Read the full survey report at:

1 in 18 Medical Doctors in U.S. is American Muslim

A new report by ISPU estimated the number of American Muslim physicians in the U.S. to be about 50,000. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the total number of active medical doctors across the U.S. is about 914,000. Click here to read the full ISPU report.

news coverage image

Loaded News Coverage, Commentary Can Fuel Hate, Prejudice

Research by U. of Hawaii, U. of Exeter & National Hispanic Media Coalition indicates that media content can have a direct effect on hate and prejudice against minority groups. Accurate language can inform readers, while ethnically and religiously loaded language misleads readers and fuels hate and prejudice.

Presentation at Amazon

In May, CAIR-WA will be presenting to employees at Amazon to discuss Ramadan and religious accommodations in the workplace.

Seattle Public Schools

Throughout May 2018, CAIR-WA will present to educators in Seattle Public Schools on Ramadan, Eid, and how educators can support Muslim students in the classroom.

Click here for more information.

Bystander Intervention Training

I learned valuable information on de-escalating troublesome situations." - Bystander Intervention Training participant.

Want to learn what to do if you see someone being harassed? We have two more Bystander Intervention Trainings coming in June!

Click here for more information.

Outreach campaign protects students in response to inflammatory Op-ed On July 23, 2013, Mona [1] an Eastern Washington resident, read an article in her small town newspaper that left her in great fear of violence and retaliation. On that day, Union Post* editors decided to publish an opinion article that used inflammatory anti-Muslim language and blatant hate speech, to accuse the Muslim community of trying to infiltrate the US.

The letter incites violence against Muslims by attempting to connect Muslim airport employees with an alleged box cutter found on a plane, simply because of the relationship between box cutters and the September 11 attacks. These accusations are baseless and pose a significant threat to employees who are Muslim or appear to be Muslim.

Also in the letter, three Muslim exchange students at the local small town high school are identified as evidence of a Muslim ‘takeover’ of America, giving disgruntled readers specific human targets upon whom to release their aggravation.

Appalled by this letter, Mona contacted CAIR-WA to report her fear of violent retaliation against the identified students.

Recognizing a need for a quick response, CAIR-WA was able to draft a letter notifying the editor of the Union Post of the consequences of irresponsibly publishing incitements to violence against a frequently targeted minority group like the Muslim community. The letter written by CAIR-WA included statistics of the kinds of cases the civil rights department encounters frequently, like violent attacks targeting Muslims, arsons, hate-inspired murders, anti-Muslim vandalism, and anti-Muslim bullying and harassment.

In addition to a response letter, CAIR-WA immediately initiated a successful outreach campaign to local law enforcement and school officials. The student’s high school principal and district’s superintendent expressed their concerns with the letter and assured that steps will be taken to ensure the safety of the students identified in the original op-ed. Local law enforcement was also able to assure steps will be taken to assure the safety of the Muslim students.

Because Mona contacted CAIR-WA immediately after reading the opinion letter to the editor, she was able to identify effective ways to respond and in getting as much help as she can to ensure the Muslim students in her community are not future targets of hate violence. Mona also published a response to the op-ed in the same paper, voicing her concerns and correcting some of the errors in the letter.

If you or someone you know has seen similar incitements to violence or harassment against the Muslim community, please report it immediately to the local police and to CAIR-WA to discuss effective resolutions to the issue. You may contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 206.367.4081.

[1] Name has been changed to protect privacy.


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